Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Look at the garden grow! Those few days of cooler weather and rain seemed to make a difference. Plants are not only perking up, they're growing and setting on blooms! As you can see in the photo we put a little wood mulch around the tire planters. The picture doesn't really show how beautiful it's getting to be.

Our poor corn. Of all the rows that were planted only four stalks came up. So, we'll baby those and let them grow. The rest of the rows were being over run by weeds so, for the time being, we covered them with weed barrier. (Hopefully they'll just quietly cook away.)

The planters all have compost, grasses and wood chips now. By next year those grasses should really take off and get anywhere from 8-10 feet tall. That will look spectacular!

Relationships, too, hit hard spells. Times when they struggle to survive, much less grow. The trick is to figure out if the relationship is one to hang in there with, or if it's one to let go off.

Thanks to our young participants and their moms for hanging in there and working to keep the garden going! Next week, after a few basic care things, we'll move on to some more fun, creative projects!

Monday, July 9, 2012



That's the best way to describe the garden now...through all the heat and wilting plants and extra waterings I'm very happy to say the plants are beginning to perk up and look as though they've settled in.

We still only have 4 stalks of corn, but there's always next year for that! I'm sure there are lessons to be learned there, too, that relate to our relationships. It would be fun to hear what connections our "Hands-for-Growers" can make.

This week coming we'll do the usual watering and basic care and then! we'll start making plant markers using Kelly's idea of writing the plants' name on a rock or piece of concrete. I'll bring permanent markers and a list of the plants with correct spelling. We have that wonderful pile of concrete close to us from which I'm sure each person can find just what is needed to use.

Thanks to all who have helped us through the craziness of the start of this year's garden!

Thanks to the moms who have supported, worked and donated!
Thanks to the city parks crew who roto-tilled, hauled giant rocks and planters and allowed us to use city park space and water!
Thanks to TNT for donating the wood for the base for our tires!
Thanks to Roods Tires for the donation of tires!
Thanks to Sybil and Kim from DOVES for going along on this unusual ride this summer and sharing their work and knowledge!
And of course, thanks to our young Hands for Growing members - without you, of course, none of the rest of this would happen.

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday morning!